How to remove, update, or replace the WKWebView inputAccessoryView

Many others, including myself, have been trying to safely modify the WKWebView.inputAccessoryView. Now in iOS 13+, you can do it!

TL;DR; The WebKit team update the code, Apple updated their dependency in iOS 13.

Swift code sample:

import WebKit

class RichEditorWebView: WKWebView {

    var accessoryView: UIView?

    override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
        // remove/replace the default accessory view
        return accessoryView

In another class somewhere:

// set accessory view to replace it, if left untouched, then it will be removed
let webView = RichEditorWebView()
webView.accessoryView = SomeAwesomeInputAccessoryView()

Because WebKit is a library that iOS uses (like SQLite), I assumed that Apple would update that dependency as well for iOS 13, since the change was resolved around June 2019.

It was too difficult to find the answer, so I'm posting in multiple places to make it easier to find for the next person.

My original SO answer here:
Working code example:


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