Best movies list for Christian viewers

Over the years my wife and I have watched secular movies for entertainment, all while keeping a biblical worldview. We have come across many movies that are not Christian, but don't excessively offend us and sometimes do offer edification when filtered through the Bible. I'm grateful for common grace.

The list of ratings excludes anything with nudity (brief or otherwise) and excessive blasphemous uses of God's or Jesus's "literal" name. Those two things remove our interest in watching a movie. No entertainment is worth compromising your walk with Christ, so avoid movies that do. Our conscience is clear about watching certain movies, if yours is not, then avoid the movie.

My Movie List

If you see a movie in the above list rated below a 5, then that movie should be avoided, because upon watching it, something not mentioned in the reviews or ratings, was inappropriate to see or hear.

Our entire movie list is on IMDB.

On another note, the best movie I've ever watched is American Gospel: Christ Alone:


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