Load .NET Assembly Using Python

To load .NET assemblies via Python you should use Python.NET. I choose Python.NET over IronPython, because IronPython seems less compatible with standard Python libraries (amongst other things).

Once you've downloaded and installed Python.NET (http://pythonnet.sourceforge.net/), you can begin the integration.

Integration Code Sample:

import sys

# import Python.NET module(s)
import CLR
from CLR.System.Reflection import Assembly

# get the root path (for the dlls)
pythonLoc = sys.path[0]
pythonLoc = pythonLoc[0:pythonLoc.rindex("\\")+1]

for dllName in ["MyDLL.dll",
# end for

# create instance of .NET class
csharpClass = clr.MyDLL.MyCsharpClass()

# call member of .NET class
result = csharpClass.SomeMethod()


As you can see the key here is to use absolute paths. The variable 'pythonLoc' can be the path to any directory that contains your target .NET assembles.
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