QuTags - Easy Ajax Usage, Fast PHP Results

QuTags - http://qutags.sourceforge.net - has finally hit 1700+ downloads (since 05/2007). I guess its about time I post a little blog entry about its existence.

QuTags is the culmination of thoughts and examples of great ways to implement AJAX for PHP, without knowing any JavaScript; none. But this implementation actually does hide the JavaScript from the PHP programmer. Don't get me wrong, its not invisible to the advanced user, but most of the time (if not all), you can do without touching the JavaScript. QuTags allows you to easily and rapidly bring Ajax advantages to ANY existing PHP web application. Simple, fast and supported. The framework is young but extremely powerful. It dominates every other attempt at simplicity; seriously.

The following example demonstrates the Javascript-less Ajax framework. Its a simple page that changes the DIV's text when the user clicks the button.


# include qutags script (if you're no using the Apache module)

function show_new_text() {
# send the new inner html to the client
send_quinnerhtml("divId", "this is the new inner html!");

echo "<form>";

# output <div> tag
qudiv("divId", "i'm innerhtml stuff");

# output html button
qubutton("bt", array(onclick=>"show_new_text", quvalue=>"Click Me"));

echo "</form>";


That's it! From start to finish, you stay in PHP land and never need to know what the JavaScript has to do. There are so many different ways to utilize QuTags... But most notably you would take advantage of its ease of use and performance. Oh yes, not only is QuTags crazy easy to use, but the server <--> client conversations are fast, really fast. The average request is less than 200ms.

More examples can be found at: QuTags.com - Live Ajax Demos

A Christopher Bess Creation sponsored by Quantum Quinn


DEZ said…
I'm trying to create a simple calculator in a Smarty template using QuTags. Could you give a quick calculator example? I don't know where to start.

Any help would be appreciated.


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