Find the WTD in iPhone Xcode builds!

I'm an avid iPhone developer and I've been developing with Xcode for Mac OS X a while (about 4 years) now. In all my days I have never seen an error from Xcode (even the crazy ones from objc) so sick and twisted that it takes almost an hour to fix.
Luckily this fellow ran into the same issue (and posted it). I wasn't using a button, but a "search bar"; and when I removed it everything built just fine. I don't think IB files like multiple "bars". Oh well, back to hard coding GUIs.
*** -[UIImage encodeWithCoder:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x44d470

I also learned that Xcode or IB doesn't like "lonely" outlets. Meaning, if you assign an instance to an outlet in IB, you better make sure the instance variable is in the corresponding class file. It will build and launch, but crash with some error like: __TERMINATING_DUE_TO_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION__

Fun with WTDs (what the deuce).


Anonymous said…
I'm using a UISearchBar as well and am running into the same error when compiling, but still can fix after reading both your and the other post. I am using beta 5 and cannot find the "Show Pressed Feedback..." (or anything like it) attribute checkbox the other post mentioned in IB. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
C. Bess said…
Honestly, I don't have any "real" suggestions; other than adding the "conflicting" UI control dynamically (via hard coded fun). Sorry, but until the final release is deployed I think we will be at the mercy of Apple's iPhone Dev teams.
casa sims said…
having the same sort of problem with UIPageControl. I can't find any mention of this anywhere so either it is just me or no one is trying to use this control in IB. The only example I can find for this component is in UIShowcase and Apple could not possible have produced a more worthless example.
Anonymous said…
Interface Builder can help with Outlet issues - open the XIB file and click on the info (i) button in the NIB document window (the one that shows the view components in a list).

If there are issues, they often show up here.

Hope that helps ....
Another iPhone n00b :)

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