Submitted my app to the Mac App Store

I have submitted my first (and maybe only) app to the Mac App Store.

I have had this app in my pocket for over 5 years, and the Mac App Store gave me a good excuse to release it to the general public.

Codesign and validate receipt issues have finally been resolved:
The Google bot does not have access to the dev forums. Log in and check the dev forums, they are your friend. (

Thats now 5 Apple (iOS/OSX) software products I have produced (and released). Thank God for these skillz!

Update (Nov 19, 2010):
I assume my app was accepted. I received an email that reads: "The status for the following app has changed to Pending an Apple Release". This release, again I assume, is osx 10.6.6. I only say assume, because the icon/image/orb color associated with the status is red, not yellow or green. Weird.

Final Update:
It was accepted. Praise the Lord!


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