
JotNow, my new blog

  JotNow is my new personal blogging platform. It's a notes app that allows you to blog in the simplest way possible, make a note, then click Publish. Done. Keep up with my thoughts at  C. Bess Wonders via JotNow.

Best movies list for Christian viewers

Over the years my wife and I have watched secular movies for entertainment, all while keeping a biblical worldview. We have come across many movies that are not Christian, but don't excessively offend us and sometimes do offer edification when filtered through the Bible. I'm grateful for common grace. The list of ratings excludes anything with nudity (brief or otherwise) and excessive blasphemous uses of God's or Jesus's "literal" name. Those two things remove our interest in watching a movie. No entertainment is worth compromising your walk with Christ , so avoid movies that do. Our conscience is clear about watching certain movies, if yours is not, then avoid the movie. My Movie List If you see a movie in the above list  rated below a 5 , then that movie should be avoided, because upon watching it, something not mentioned in the reviews or ratings, was inappropriate to see or hear. Our entire  movie list  is on IMDB. Update: We have created another list call

Parallels VM Hangs During Resume After Transferring to New Location

With  Parallels 15 on macOS Big Sur, I was having an issue resuming the VMs that I transferred to my new external hard drive. I found out that you are suppose to shut down the VM before you move them. Oops. To resolve the issue, thankfully, was simple. After praying about it, I realized that the  pvm  file was a package. I then opened the package in Finder. I analyzed the files names and removed the ones that seemed like it stored "resume" state information. I then double-checked my hypothesis by comparing the directory contents to another VM that was shut down properly. I restarted Parallels and was then able to start the VMs that were causing a kernel panic and hanging during resume. Steps: Context click the VM file in question (right-click) Click "Show Package Contents" Remove three files *.mem like: {8164553e-0c7f-429e-89a3-2cb00a161604}.mem config.sav suspended.png Close the Finder window Restart the Parallels Control Center Launch the target VM Give thanks to

Golang: Get Results from a MySQL Stored Procedure with Parameters

After much research and thought, I figured out how to call a MySQL stored procedure and get the results from it. The key is using multiStatements=true and autocommit=true in the connection string. Make sure your stored procedure returns a result set, like: ... -- return one result set SELECT v_record_id AS id; END;; Connection string: myDb , err := sql. Open ( " mysql " , " user:password@/somedb?multiStatements=true&autocommit=true " ) Golang query code: var id sql. NullInt64 row := myDb. QueryRow ( " CALL SaveUrl(?, ?) " , data. URL , data. Title , ) if err := row. Scan (&id); err != nil { return - 1 , fmt. Errorf ( " unable to save URL: %s " , err) } More detailed  Github Gist  code sample. I hope it helps someone else. Soli Deo gloria

How to remove, update, or replace the WKWebView inputAccessoryView

Many others, including myself, have been trying to safely modify the WKWebView.inputAccessoryView. Now in iOS 13+, you can do it! TL;DR; The WebKit team update the code, Apple updated their dependency in iOS 13. Swift code sample: import WebKit class RichEditorWebView: WKWebView { var accessoryView: UIView? override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? { // remove/replace the default accessory view return accessoryView } } In another class somewhere: // set accessory view to replace it, if left untouched, then it will be removed let webView = RichEditorWebView() webView.accessoryView = SomeAwesomeInputAccessoryView() Because WebKit is a library that iOS uses (like SQLite), I assumed that Apple would update that dependency as well for iOS 13, since the change was resolved around June 2019. References: It was too difficult to find the answer, s

The greatest news to be shared or heard!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (God) Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, who came to save sinners, He died on the cross and was resurrected, taking upon Himself God's wrath for those who would repent and trust in Him. There is a Judgment Day coming. The Bible says that everyone will stand before God to give an account for every word, thought, and action. Will you be innocent or guilty on Judgment Day? Let’s look at some of the Commandments to see if you meet God’s standard, which is perfection. Is God first in your life? Do you love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind? Have you ever lied, stolen, been prideful, or dishonored your parents? Have you looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? If you have ever broken just one of these laws, then you have sinned against God. The Bible says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." God is a righteous judge and must punish sin. The punishment for sin is death and eternal torment in hell. No a

3D transforms simply explained - m34 is key

This is mostly a note for an iOS development environment. M_PI is half the diameter, so M_PI * 2 (6.28) is full circle (in radians). Zero would be no rotation, which would also yield the same effect as M_PI * 2, because it is rotating twice. M_PI would yield a half rotation. Negative values (for the m34 or radians) rotate towards 6.28 or zero (orthographic) counter-clock-wise. If both values are negative (or positive), then it will rotate clock-wise. Changing m34 adds to the effect of (or enhances) the rotations. The transform.m34 value will always be a percentage of 1.0 (flat). Hence dividing 1 by N (1.0f / 1200). 1.f represents "full perspective", but looks huge to the user because its the full size. Closer to 1, the flatter the look, but the larger the view. Think of a train track. 1 would be like viewing the tracks from the top, flat. But, as you reduce/divide 1 by something, you change one of the ends of the track to be more triangular. Negative or positive focuse