
Showing posts from December, 2009

Ultimate Magic Mouse Multi-Touch Preferences

Greatest mouse preferences panel ever?! This app makes me tink that the dev works for Apple. Perfect preferences panel. MagicPrefs Four/Three finger click for Exposé! Proof that true friends know what you really want/need, thanks J!

SQLite Database Browser - SQBrowser

I finally released the source code for my favorite SQLite database browser. It was written in wxPython 2.5. I created it out of necessity, because my iPhone and Android development revolves around SQLite. And no matter how good the database manager would be, the SQL editor was always buggy or pathetic. I wanted to use TextMate. Available here: Sequel Pro seems promising, and I have grabbed a checkout of the code base. I am starting to port sqbrowser logic, to integrate it into this project (objc). Stay tuned for updates.