
Showing posts from September, 2019

How to remove, update, or replace the WKWebView inputAccessoryView

Many others, including myself, have been trying to safely modify the WKWebView.inputAccessoryView. Now in iOS 13+, you can do it! TL;DR; The WebKit team update the code, Apple updated their dependency in iOS 13. Swift code sample: import WebKit class RichEditorWebView: WKWebView { var accessoryView: UIView? override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? { // remove/replace the default accessory view return accessoryView } } In another class somewhere: // set accessory view to replace it, if left untouched, then it will be removed let webView = RichEditorWebView() webView.accessoryView = SomeAwesomeInputAccessoryView() Because WebKit is a library that iOS uses (like SQLite), I assumed that Apple would update that dependency as well for iOS 13, since the change was resolved around June 2019. References: It was too difficult to find the answer, s