
Showing posts from 2009

Ultimate Magic Mouse Multi-Touch Preferences

Greatest mouse preferences panel ever?! This app makes me tink that the dev works for Apple. Perfect preferences panel. MagicPrefs Four/Three finger click for Exposé! Proof that true friends know what you really want/need, thanks J!

SQLite Database Browser - SQBrowser

I finally released the source code for my favorite SQLite database browser. It was written in wxPython 2.5. I created it out of necessity, because my iPhone and Android development revolves around SQLite. And no matter how good the database manager would be, the SQL editor was always buggy or pathetic. I wanted to use TextMate. Available here: Sequel Pro seems promising, and I have grabbed a checkout of the code base. I am starting to port sqbrowser logic, to integrate it into this project (objc). Stay tuned for updates.

Mac Android SDK Setup

Android in now in my sights. I am recalling Java, my favorite language when I was 15-16 years old. The below is a concise guide to installing the Android Development Environment on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Download and install Eclipse Download and extract the Android SDK (which is contains the SDK tools) - run `sdk/tools/android` from (it will launch the Android SDK UI) and install SDK components - Install ADT plugin - Create an Android device (emulator). In the same window from #4, in the left pane, click "Virtual Devices". Then click "New", in the window, change "Target" to Android. Then fill out the other information as necessary. Don't forget to add the SDK library to Eclipse (from Preferences -> Android) Thats about it. Anything e deleted my subject column!

Like most who prefer a more readable and efficient mail view, you may have used WideMail (or LetterBox) before Snow Leopard. I did, and apparently the Snow Leopard ripped into my plugins and mauled the subject column. I restored it by deleting a couple nodes from: ~/Library/Preferences/ #1 Quit #2 double click the plist file and remove: Root/ActiveViewers Root/TableColumns #3 Save the plist and start Subject column is now present, done.

Palm webOS emulator fun?

In my excitement of the release of webOS SDK, I downloaded and installed the emulator. To my surprise I found no instructions on how to use the more advanced features/gestures. #1 How do you rotate the emulator to landscape? iPhone emulator: press Cmd + left or right Palm emulator: ? #2 How do you perform multi-touch gestures? iPhone emulator: press Option (Alt) and mouse down. Palm emulator: ? If you zoom in on something, best of luck returning it to full view without closing the app.

Python SUDS with Windows Authentication (SOAP)

While intergrating Plone with CRM4, I stumbled upon Suds. However, it didn't support NTLM. Then I found python-ntlm, and merged the two libs. Below is the result. You can add it at the bottom of suds/ class WindowsHttpAuthenticated(HttpAuthenticated): """ Provides Windows (NTLM) http authentication. @ivar pm: The password manager. @ivar handler: The authentication handler. @author: Christopher Bess """ def __init__(self, options): # try to import ntlm support try: from ntlm import HTTPNtlmAuthHandler except ImportError: raise Exception("Cannot import python-ntlm module") return HttpTransport.__init__(self, options) = u2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() self.handler = HTTPNtlmAuthHandler.HTTPNtlmAuthHandler( self.urlopener = u2.build_opener(self.handler) u2.install_opener(self.urlopener)