virtualenv and fabric fun (for django)

I enjoy Fabric and virtualenv with django.

What I don't like is this error:
  File "", line 2, in ?

from import execute_manager
ImportError: No module named

What I did... was fix it. I tried the `source virtualenv/path/activate && python blah` CLI stuff. Didn't work.

So pulling out my hack the CLI (linux admin) side of my brain I devised two ways of fixing it.

1. Modify your she-bang (#!) line to point to your python interpreter of choice (usually the virtualenv one).
2. cd into your app directory (which has the script) and prepend the absolute path to your python interpreter.

Both were tested and both worked perfectly. I am using option #2, since it will remain in my fabfile and anytime I deploy my virtualenv, I won't have to remember to modify the file.

If anyone has a more stable or 'sure fire' way to void the above error, drop a line in the comments.

Almost unrelated side note: Webfaction is an amazing django host. High priority tickets and support in general are answered in a timely manner. Great service and support.


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